Hey !!
I am Nick, I am a student, pursuing a Computer Engineering Integrated Master at CEID, University of Patras, Greece, and this is my CV:
Programming Languages:
- C++ (university-taught level)
- Java (university-taught level)
- Objective-C (good level)
- ARM Assembly (good level) as part of University course Computer Architecture I
- Intel Assembly (ability to at-least read through personal study)
- Visual Studio & Visual Studio Code
- IntelliJ’s CLion & Idea
- Xcode
- Eclipse
Other tools:
- GitHub & Git (Version-control)
- TravisCI (Continuous Integration)
- ported an opensource system monitor (conky) to macOS
- involved good memory management techniques
- learning about system internals and system APIs to access memory, cpu and disk statistics
- strict testing with tools such as Xcode’s Instruments
- creator of opensource project ManageConky (a widget manager for the conky system monitor)
- involved managing and maintaining C/C++ code amongst with complex build systems (Makefiles/CMake)
- wrote a small tool for Windows called runnix that interfaced with WSL (a feature of Windows OS) back when there was WSL v1.0 :)
with unix based/inspired systems such as GNU/Linux and macOS
- Contributed Backend code that manages users and their respective data (purchases list, product ratings and comments on products) for the macOS app MacForge using Google’s Firebase SDK. This involved:
- User Authentication mechanisms
- Database Design & Management
I maintain this blog, forked from a template but improved to my taste through time by me.
- Have played with CTF Challenges from Hack The Box (Really enjoyed the Reverse Engineering ones; which made me eager to learn Intel Assembly, it being a mandatory condition!)
Seminars Attended:
- Intracom Telecom’s seminar regarding Telecommunications & more [Patras, Greece]
Books I’ve Studied (amongst many others):
- C++ Primer, Fifth Edition, Addison Wesley Effective C++, Third Edition, Scott Meyers, Addison Wesley
(Remove space between pylarinos and nick):
pylarinos nick AT gmail DOT com
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